Friday 30 April 2010


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When discussing this topic in class, I honestly could not possibly see anything that was 'bad' about it. Masturbation is something that around 90% of males and 65% of females participate in. However, I'd estimate the female percentage is slightly higher, as many females are too embraced to discuss the topic. I believe that masturbation is a healthy and natural practice. Without it, I believe that more people would engage in sex, which could result in a higher number of STDs or unwanted pregnancies. Although I do not have a link, I can remember reading in a men's health magazine that masturbation, in a male’s case, is actually good, as it helps prevent testicular cancer.

The only way in which I can see an argument against it may be from a religious perspective. To some religions, every time a male masturbates, the possibility of a child is wasted. Religions such as Catholicism forbid masturbation as they see it to be unclean and against God's wish of procreation. However, I do not really see this as an argument as if every sperm created a child, it would cause huge over population. What do you guys think? I have included a link below with some interesting information on masturbation.

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